Committed to offering quality services for pet shop owners

T-Trading provides the broadest selection of well-being-supporting, high-meat-containing pet foods, treats, and accessories for pet care in the Nordic countries. By choosing T-trading, you select an operator that is responsible and expert in the pet industry, allowing you to make effective and sustainable resales.


First-class products deserve first-class service. Regardless of the size of the company, we offer expert sales consulting for retailers. Through product placement, marketing, and customer service, we help your company increase sales. Let’s work together to raise the level of customer service to match the quality of products based on our solid hands-on experience.

Tuomas Järvinen



We import several different brands through T-Trading. Our brands include, but are not limited to:
  • Carnis
  • Catz Finefood
  • Chewies
  • Collar
  • Dogz Finefood
  • Escapure
  • Grizzly Pet Products
  • Kiwiwalker
  • Natural Greatness
  • Naturis
  • Platinum
  • Woolf
We have also launched a new brand called Nordic Purity. You may purchase Nordic Purity products through its website or by contacting us directly. Our products are sold at our retailers in pet supply stores, dog training centers and veterinarians. We also cooperate with guide dog trainers.
We also have an online store for consumers:
FI-37150 NOKIA, FINLAND Business ID: 2975924-8 E-mail: Phone: +358 40 351 9959

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